
鲲,中国古代神话传说中的大鱼,生活在北边幽深的大海-北冥。战国时期哲学家、文学家庄周的代表作《庄子-内篇-逍遥游》里写道:“北冥有鱼,其名为鲲。鲲之大,不知其几千里也。化而为鸟,其名为鹏。鹏之背,不知其几千里也,怒而飞,其翼若垂天之云。是鸟也,海运则将徙于南冥。南冥者,天池也。” 鲲生活在广阔无边大海和天空,只有大海和天空,才能衬托出它的伟岸和庞大。鲲的形象充满奇特的想象和浪漫的色彩,是不为外物所蒙蔽、束缚的自由灵魂的象征。





例如,使用LNG作为燃料的14000TEU 集装箱船,被命名为鲲-14N,蓝色标识;












Jiangnan Shipyard officially named its self-developed container ships as "KUN" series

"KUN" the big fish in ancient Chinese legend, lives in the deep northern ocean. It is written in the representative work of Philosopher and litterateur Zhuang Zhou of the Warring States Period 《Zhuangzi-Inner Chapters-The Carefree Excursion》: In the northern ocean there is a fish, called the "KUN", I do not know how many thousand li in size. This KUN changes into a bird, called the “PENG”. Its back is I do not know how many thousand li in breadth. When it is moved, it flies, its wings obscuring the sky like clouds. When on a voyage, this bird prepares to start for the Southern Ocean, the Celestial Lake. KUN lives in the boundless sea and sky. Only the sea and sky can foil its grandeur and vastness. KUN's image is full of strange imagination and romantic color. It is the symbol of a free soul unblinded and unfettered by external things.

There must be a heroic figure of KUN in the boundless sea. Jiangnan Shipyard focuses on the main construction products field, regards customer’s needs as the center, takes the high efficiency, the green and the energy conservation environmental protection as the target, bases on the concept of tight coupling between research & development design and production, Launches the independently developed design of the ultra-large container ships and names it "KUN". At the meantime, the names and the LOGO colour will be further distinguished according to the type of fuel and the class of container capacity of the ship.  For example, the 14000TEU container ship that uses LNG as fuel will be named KUN-14N, the LOGO colour is blue; The 16000TEU container ship using methanol as fuel will be named KUN-16M,the LOGO colour is green; The 15,000TEU container ship that uses ammonia as fuel will be named KUN-15A, the LOGO colour is green; The 15,000TEU container ship that uses fuel oil will be named KUN-15D, the LOGO colour is dark blue and so on.

"KUN", embodies the Chinese culture is great and time-honored. It also symbolizes that Jiangnan Shipyard will continue to innovate and pursue excellence with the spirit of KUN in the field of the ultra-large container ship design and construction. The successful naming of KUN is a new breakthrough for Jiangnan Shipyard in the field of independent research and development of the ultra-large container ships, and it will also lead Jiangnan Shipyard to build a world-class brand.  


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邮编: 201913

